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HomeCall for ApplicationsEmerging Voices for Global Health Training Program 2022

Emerging Voices for Global Health Training Program 2022

Emerging Voices for Global Health (EV4GH) is an innovative multi-partner blended training program for promising and emerging health policy & systems researchers, decision makers, and other health system actors with an interest to become influential global health voices and/or local change makers. EV4GH coaches “Emerging Voices (EVs)” to participate on global health platforms and raise their voices in scientific and policy debates. The EV4GH program is managed by an internationally representative governance committee consisting of EV alumni elected by previous EV4GH participants and several invited (liaison) members from EV partner institutes. EV4GH became a Thematic Working Group (TWG) of Health Systems Global (HSG) in 2015 and was reconfirmed as a TWG in 2021.

EV4GH 2022 is a blended learning training program and consists of an e-coaching and distance learning phase, followed by a face-to-face training phase held prior to the Symposium. It uses innovative training methods and activities to enable emerging researchers, and other health system actors and change agents to present their work effectively and engage on various global health platforms. In addition, the global network of EVs fosters networking and learning across contexts and regions. After the training program, EVs become members of the EV4GH thematic working group and can then join other thematic working groups of HSG.


There will be two tracks for which participants can apply to be an EV 2022. Track 1 is reserved for researchers involved in health policy and systems research (researchers’ track), Track 2 seeks to attract health professionals, activists, policy makers, knowledge brokers, health journalists, and other health system actors (other health system actors’ track). All applicants must have been born on or after January 1, 1982. In case of any difficulty, please write to EV Secretariat at

For both tracks, the full EV4GH 2020 venture consists of:

  1. August-October 2022: E-coaching and distance learning phase
  2. Last week (/ten days of) October 2022 (kick-off: around 22-24 October): Face-to-face training, including scientific presentations, networking and communication skills, content training, and field visit to local health system facilities in Colombia
  3. 30th October 2022: Emerging researchers and other changemakers’ pre-conference (/TWG event)
  4. 31st October-4th November 2022: Participation in the 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Bogotá, Colombia
  5. 5th November 2022: Wrap-up session focusing on emerging beyond Bogotá, Colombia
  6. After 5th November 2022: Participation in the EV4GH network (and other HSG thematic working groups) with other emerging researchers, professionals, peers as well as senior researchers, policy makers, and experts in health systems and global health.

Official Website: Emerging Voices for Global Health Training Program 2022



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