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HomeUncategorizedBC Chamber of Commerce announces Shop Local BC Program

BC Chamber of Commerce announces Shop Local BC Program

Application Deadline: December 31, 2021

Funded by the Government of Canada and delivered through provincial and territorial chambers of commerce, the Shop Local initiative provides grants for programs and campaigns that encourage Canadians to shop local to help businesses navigate through and beyond the pandemic.

The federal government is investing $33 million in the initiative across Canada, of which project funds of $5 million are earmarked for British Columbia.


The Shop Local BC campaign will:

  • Be inclusive, and open to organizations that support business, especially in hard-hit sectors like tourism and hospitality:
    • Chambers of commerce and boards of trade that are members of the BC Chamber of Commerce
    • Chambers of commerce and boards of trade that are not members of the BC Chamber of Commerce
    • Other non-profit organizations and Business Improvement Associations
    • Existing shop/buy local campaigns, that support business 
  • Encourage collaboration across applicants to maximize the benefit of the grant awarded
  • Encourage local supply chain use
  • Encourage youth employment
  • Catalyze the delivery of new Shop Local campaigns or the enhancement/extension of existing campaigns – for businesses, neighbourhoods, communities, regions or the entire province. Example activities that could contribute to a Shop Local campaign are listed here.

Application Procedure

A) Applicants are required to complete this simple online application form.

B) NEW â€“ The recorded Shop Local BC informational webinars are now available for viewing. Part 1: Intro to Shop Local BC. Click here to watch. Part 2: Application Portal Demo. Click here to watch

C) Here is an application form template intended to assist applicants to prepare their submissions. Fields in the online application portal may be slightly different from this planning document.

D) Here is a Budget Template for your Project Financial Plan.

Submissions must also include information that demonstrates how the Shop Local campaign will:

  • Avoid duplication of effort and overlapping campaigns
  • Align with the needs and priorities of their local community or region and detail how requested funding is complementary to (and does not duplicate) other funding that may have been made available
  • Reflect the diversity of the community/region’s populations and demographics, embrace all local businesses and apply a diversity lens in the development and implementation of activities.

Official Website: BC Chamber of Commerce announces Shop Local BC Program



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